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Does Vitamin B12 Make You Poop More?

It’s often said that you should take a B12 supplement every day to prevent anemia. This is true for most people who are not getting enough vitamin b12 in their diet, but is it true for everyone?

But it is true does vitamin B12 make you poop more? In this article, you will know the answer to these commonly asked questions.

Does b12 make you poop?
Why does vitamin B12 make you poop?
What vitamins make you poop more?

What is Vitamin b12 deficiency?

Vitamin b12 deficiency happens when you have a dietary or other reason, such as heavy alcohol use, that inhibits your body from producing or absorbing b-complex vitamins.

In many cases of vitamin B12 toxicity, it can be a sign of a low stomach acid level which can be caused by an illness or medication.

It is important to note that b12 toxicity is the result of ingesting too much vitamin B12 it does not cause intestinal bloating or anything else, so people should never worry about this side effect with vitaminb12.

Symptoms of vitamin b12 deficiency

It includes

  • Difficulty sleeping (insomnia)
  • Fatigue and lack of energy during the day or early in the morning.
  • Weight loss despite an increase in appetite.
  • Weakness while standing up, which often starts with leg cramps that can progress to numbness, tingling sensation, and complete paralysis, particularly affecting arms/hands
  • sometimes accompanied by small hair follicles falling out around the edges of nails.

Why does taking more b12 makes you poop?

Your body needs B12 to break down the food you eat.

In short, without enough b12 from your diet or medications that interfere with its absorption, will not be able to properly digest and absorb vitamins a and c in foods. When you take more vitamin b-12 will break all food and so cause more bowel movements which will make to visit the toilet frequently.

How to prevent vitamin b12 deficiency?

Vitamin b12 is found in many forms of foods like egg, fish (especially tuna), poultry (liver), and dairy foods. Unfortunately, vitamin B12 has no chance of developing deficiency unless the diet consists only of raw shellfish extracts or extracts comprised solely ONLY Vitamin B12.

If you take a daily multivitamin supplement it will usually raise your body’s b-complex level considerably above what might be considered “normal” levels with positive

What is the best way to get more vitamin b12?

You should start this by looking at the foods you eat. If a diet high in animal proteins and low on fruits, vegetables, etc results in nutritional deficiency then it is assumed that eating those things could better help to supplement those nutrients.

Deficiency can be reversed or improved upon as soon as possible with vitamin supplementation. For example, if you only ever ate meat-based diets for breakfast, lunch, and dinner (and little else) week after week including drinking

Can you overdose on vitamin b12?

No. Too much vitamin b12 can interfere with the absorption of other vitamins and reduce its total bioavailability (the factor by which all nutrients taken in are available for use and not consumed as worse is wasted assisting with metabolism). In this respect, too much of a particular nutrient will produce toxicity effects from it being overdosed on.

Conclusion: How much Vitamin B-12 do I need to take daily?

Vitamin B12 is an essential vitamin that plays a role in the metabolism of every cell in the body. The recommended daily intake of vitamin B12 is 2.4 micrograms for men and 2.6 micrograms for women, but it’s important to note that these amounts may vary based on age, weight, and other factors.

However, some people experience constipation due to taking too much vitamin b12. This may be because they have a genetic condition that prevents them from absorbing or metabolizing the vitamin properly. In such cases, taking a smaller dose of vitamin b12 should help with constipation caused by excessive doses.

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Nutritionist & Blogger, Passionate about writing health related articles. Read more about her.

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