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Is Olive Oil Good for Erectile Dysfunction?

Is olive oil good for erectile dysfunction? If this is the query you are thinking of, Consider you came to this right spot you will find the answer here.

Not only will you get the answer, but also you will get the real facts about virgin olive oil and how it increases the testosterone level on the body.

Many people use olive oil for cooking, but other than cooking, olive oil has numerous health benefits and one of which is its ability to treat erectile dysfunction.

If you are not sure if olive oil can help with your ED, then this article will be very beneficial for you because it has the answers to some of the most common questions about olive oil and ED together. So let’s get started:

What is Olive Oil Good For?

The health benefits of olives have been well-known for centuries, partly due to their high levels of antioxidants and nutrients, including monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFAs), lignans, vitamins E and B6, Some of these benefits are as follows:

Olive oil can help improve heart health by reducing bad cholesterol levels. Olive oil is also a good source of antioxidants that can protect against cell damage and infections, both physical and emotional.

It has been linked to better cognitive function in adults, including slower brain aging.

Olive oil consumption may also reduce the risk for stroke and dementia because it contains monounsaturated fats which have anti-inflammatory properties.

It is a natural treatment for various skin conditions such as psoriasis, eczema, as well as wrinkles and age spots. Olive oil is also known to help improve memory and protect the brain from cognitive decline in old age.

How Does Olive Oil Work for Erectile dysfunction?

The health benefits of olive oil are due to its high levels of antioxidants, including polyphenols such as oleic acid, which are believed to work together with testosterone receptors on cells in the body to increase sexual function.

According to International Journal of Impotence research, they conducted a study where 65 men with metabolic syndrome where subjected to diet research, where 30 men are taken control diet and 35 men are taken mediterean diet that contains Olive oil, whole grain and vegetables.

The men who ate vegetables and olive oil had a significant increase in sexual function and decreasing in their metabolic syndrome.

Does olive oil work like viagra?

One of the common question people ask is can olive oil will be viagra alternate? There is no research to suggest that olive oil can be used as an alternative to viagra. While it may have some benefits for sexual function, there are also other topical treatments that can be more effective.

But according to Good food, scientists suggest using olive oil in the food can improve men in the bedroom, and they conducted a study where 600 men took olive oil in their food, and they witnessed better sexual performance.

Researchers proved that using olive oil makes blood vessels healthy, and it increases the testosterone levels in the body.

So there are different opinion about olive oil as the replacement for viagra and my views about topic is below.

I cannot say whether viagra is better than olive oil, viagra is a temporary soution for ed, but olive will cure your erectile dysfunction and that will help you to cure your problem permanently.

Dosage of Olive oil for ED

Olive oil is the great choice to treat your ed problem by increasing the blood flow on the penis and improving erectile function.

The dosage of olive oil for ed is depends on the men height and weight, but according to the menschem website, a 70-year-old man can use 9 to 10 table spoons of olive oil per week.

And the recommended dosage for a man is 1-2 tablespoons per day, and he can use the oil on salads, sandwiches, etc.

And make sure to drink plenty of water to dilute the effects of oil on the stomach.

Benefits of Extra Virgin Oil for Male

Olive oil has many benefits for male impotency, Below are the some of health benefits.

  • Increases testosterone level on the body
  • Virgin olive oil has Vitamin E which will increase sperm count and motility
  • Increase sexual function
  • Reduces low libido problem
  • Reduce inflammation
  • Anti-inflammatory property helps in relieving pain caused by injuries and arthritis
  • Increases blood circulation level on penis


In this article about olive oil for erectile dysfunction I have said some solid facts with evidence and olive is not only treating ed problem but also it has many health benefits for both men and women.

So add olive oil on your daily foods and exercise regularly and stay positive.

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About the Author

Hunter Handsfield

A health advisor and sexual health therapist & researcher from South Dakota, USA

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