Meal Plan for Skinny Guys Bulking Up

When we hear the word diet, directly or indirectly it is associated with weight loss, first mistake, there are as many diets and as different as people can be on earth. However, there is a more extensive classification of therapeutic diets, among them, are those controlled in energy

A person who is thin sometimes has to listen to phrases like: “lucky you, thank your metabolism”. But gaining weight when you have a very active metabolism or the person himself is very active and nervous or there is a health problem or malnutrition, is complex, especially you have to control other parameters so that food does not cause major imbalances, how?

With a balanced and personalized diet. In most cases, it is not so lucky if you need or want to gain weight due to malnutrition caused by an illness, as a result of aggressive treatment (chemotherapy) or a complex disorder such as anorexia.

In the best of cases, the patient wants to gain weight for aesthetic reasons, to improve a neglected nutritional state, because he/she undergoes a hard sports training or has a test of extreme energy expenditure such as a challenge in low/high temperatures, which is a stress for the organism and requires large energy reserves. In pathological states, more complex to treat, are also used the advice I give below in “meal plan for skinny guys bulking diet”.

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Causes of thinness.

  • Thinness can be constitutional or caused by various reasons. These can be:
  • Poor nutrition.
  • Loss of appetite.
  • Disorders of intestinal absorption of nutrients.
  • Diseases such as diabetes or hyperthyroidism.
  • Debilitating diseases such as cancer or AIDS.
  • Excessive or exaggerated physical activity.
  • Stressful situations.

What should be treated as a priority is the situation that caused the low weight. Knowing the causes, the next step is to correct the diet. When this thinness is constitutional, a diet rich in calories manages to increase the size of the few fat cells of the affected person, thus gaining some weight. But this gain is also easily lost in an unusual situation.

What does a high-calorie diet consist of?

Hypercaloric diet Alimmenta Hypocaloric diets are those that contain a higher energy intake than an individual needs. It is not only a high-calorie diet that allows weight gain but also improves the quality and quantity of what is eaten. It is necessary to quantify and increase the calories, therefore, the macronutrients: carbohydrates, proteins, and fats.

It will depend on each patient (personalized nutrition) and must be established after a thorough nutritional study, adapting it to the tastes of each person, taking into account the degree of appetite and not generating through food a great feeling of satiety to not hinder the desired intake in recovery.

Nutrients in their right measure.

Fats are those that provide greater satiety, they should not be used exaggeratedly to increase calories. On the other hand, proteins should not be used too much, since the distribution of nutrients should be as balanced as possible.

Carbohydrates are a good option when it comes to increased caloric intake, fast carbohydrates because they are usually sweet and appetizing and are considered a good resource in high-calorie diets, and slow carbohydrates, although satiating, usually provide greater nutritional value.

A diet that causes weight gain should have a caloric intake between 20 and 50% higher than the normal caloric value. This should be increased gradually depending on the needs of each person according to age, sex, physical activity, and pathology if any.

Meal Plan for Skinny Guys Bulking Up

Characteristics of a hypercaloric diet.

  • Calories should be increased at the expense of the quality and quantity of food ingested: increase of carbohydrates and proteins, to a lesser extent of fats because they are more satiating.
  • Main meals should not be skipped or forgotten, and one or two snacks should be added between meals.
    Proteins should be sufficient, between 1 and 1.5 g/kg of weight.
  • Ingest foods that provide vitamins (not processed), especially of the B complex.
  • Given the high satiety value of fiber-rich foods, they should be consumed in moderation. Preferable foods that provide many calories with little volume: nuts, vegetable oils, butter, sugars or honey.
  • It is not recommended to eat salads or soups at the beginning of meals, since they reduce the appetite for the main or subsequent courses.
  • Foods should be easy to digest, this is one of the reasons why carbohydrates are used. Fats and proteins delay gastric emptying and prolong digestion.
  • The raw fats are digested better than if we submit them to some type of cooking, the oil-like dressing besides beneficial contributes flavor and greasiness to the plate, it adds a spoonful more to the plate of the companion at table with hypercaloric diet. On the other hand, frying generates more satiety, although it apparently contains more calories, the patient will be satiated sooner and will eat less.
  • In many cases, dietary supplements such as drinks or high-calorie formula products are included to enrich meals, thus providing extra calories.
  • Whole milk products should be included. Powdered milk is used to enrich preparations such as purees. Yogurt can be enriched with nuts, seeds, brewer’s yeast, cocoa powder, jam or honey. Condensed milk can also be used in a controlled way without overdoing it; a high intake of refined sugars in one sitting is not advisable either.
  • The cheeses are a great contribution since they have proteins of high biological value, they contribute calories with little volume. Add grated cheese to your preparations and use spreadable cheeses in your toasts or sandwiches.
  • Eggs can be consumed without any inconvenience, they provide fats, proteins and enrich your preparations.
  • Add it also cooked and grated or chopped to your dishes.
  • White meats are recommended, as they do not require so much chewing and are more digestive.
  • Fruits and vegetables are recommended whenever possible cooked and not raw, this is because it decreases its volume and satiating capacity. You can elaborate quiches or omelets with vegetables; and cakes, biscuits or nutritious smoothies with fruits.
    Pastas, rice, cereals and potatoes can be used daily and in the main meals. If you accompany them with sauces that are nutritious and not too satiating.
  • Large legumes are difficult to digest, opt for lentils or taken in hummus-type purees for snacking. You can use legume flours to enrich or thicken your dishes or to make elaborations.
  • Hypercaloric diet Alimmenta Sugars and sweets can be used in moderation, preferably honeys, jams, sweets enriched with nuts, almond paste or dates to sweeten.
  • You can prepare infusions in a glass of milk replacing water.
  • Choose non-carbonated drinks to avoid satiety.
  • Introduce bread at each meal, better soft, easy to chew and enriched with olive oil or butter if the patient feels like it.
  • Nuts and dried fruits are highly recommended to increase the calories and nutrients in the diet.
  • The temperature of the ingested food should not be too high, the warmer the food is, the more satiating it is. It is necessary to achieve that the patient eats more quantity before perceiving the sensation of satiety. Warm or cold temperatures are the most appropriate.

Bulking, a healthy task

We have the task of doing things right from the beginning of the treatment, the orientation and advice should always be given by a Dietician or a Dietitian-Nutritionist, this is the best option if the aim is to reach a certain weight in a balanced way. Weight gain should be slow and gradual. If the person is healthy, the objective is to reach an ideal weight. But if there is an associated pathology, Bulking will improve and improve the general state of health, prevent future complications (infections) and compensate for the side effects caused by other treatments.

Shortcuts and gorging on chocolate, pastries, and food loaded with unwanted/harmful fats and/or refined sugars are not worthwhile in order to achieve this goal since, in addition to being a failure for our objective, it is an attempt against the organism, predisposing to the development of other diseases: arteriosclerosis, diabetes, cholesterol, hypertriglyceridemia, etc.

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